Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year

Firstly, let me wish all my readers a Happy New Year. 2008 went rapidly downhill and personally I've got to be interviewed for my own job or face redundancy.

On the caching front, my stats. dropped like a stone towards the end of 2008, with November being my worst month of the year with only 34 finds during 4 days of caching. This just happens to coincide with my bout of Man-Flu but hopefully, I'm just about over it as we enter the new year.

2008 ended with a frantic dash out on the 30th to bring my year end total to a nice round 2300. Then Stokesy spoils it all by putting out two new caches yesterday which I just had to go for. In my haste in getting the co-ordinates for the first one and getting out of the door, I missed the other until I returned, elated after an FTF.

I had to wait for Mrs. Balders to get home from work before I could get out again but was rewarded with another FTF - what a way to end the year!

New Year's Day found me dropping Mrs. Balders at work for 8am then heading off towards Redditch for a spot of you know what. I picked up a few of The Stranglers caches on the way and started the year with 19 caches found.

With a bit of luck, I should reach 3000 by the end of the year, needing, on average, about 2 caches per day.

I mentioned a few days ago that I'd upgraded my Oregon software to version 2.7. An extra benefit I've discovered is that waypoint co-ordinates are a LOT easier to enter, so much so that it is now usable!

Also, the problems I had before with the unit locking up when plugging into the PC have totally gone - it hasn't played up once since the upgrade.

Well, that 's about it for now. Up-coming this month we have a meet at The Barn, Hockley Heath on the 28th ( link ) and the next Brummie Meet sometime in February.

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