Thursday 20 November 2008

Caching Up

I'm been a bit quiet on the Geo front lately due to a number of things including, grandkids waking (everybody) at 6am every day, man flu and work.

I'm on annual leave this week but was literally dying from man flu earlier in the week but finally got out for a spot of tubbyware hunting yesterday. I'm going through a bit of a retro-HiFi phase at the moment, buying (slightly) older HiFi gear on eBay! The current set up is mainly Denon including receiver, CD player and a (soon to arrive) MiniDisc recorder. I've also got a ProJect turntable for the old vinyl which can be picked up for a song at charity shops!

What's all this to do with geocaching? Well the receiver needed picking up from Worcester so Sue and I made a day of it. After a lazy start, we picked up a few easy caches on the way down ending up at Upton-upon-Severn for lunch. Following some gorgeous cauliflower & brocolli soup, we made our way to Malvern for a few more caches and the Oxfam shop (where I picked up Elton John's "Goodbye Yellowbrick Road" on YELLOW VINYL).

After a very nice veggie curry we picked up the audio gear before driving home. A nice relaxing day.

I've still got two caches with a kilometre of Balders Hall which I really should do (sorry Stokesy).

The Birthday Bash is less than a week away and I'm really looking forward to spending the evening with my geo-buddies.

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