Friday, 11 July 2008

Brummie Meet

Those who look at the forums may have noticed a posting, about a week ago, suggesting a regular (every 2 - 3 months?) get together in Birmingham.

Judging from the responses, this is a good idea but although people are interested no-one wants to bite the bullet and actually organise it.

My good friend The Strangler and I are willing to bite the aforementioned bullet. We are looking for a pub close to the city centre which is fairly quiet (until we get there) mid-week (ie. Tue, Wed or Thu). It will be very informal and we'll probably make it an official geo-meet (although it's not about the numbers!!!)

ANY help, ideas or comments are welcome.


steve said...

just choose a place and date and we will turn up,
it's looking like a popular meet especially if it's official.
anychance of a pub with decent ale.

Andy said...

We would look forward to such an event !
just to put faces to the names!

Im more than happy to suppy a list of pubs in the CAMRA GOOD BEER GUIDE!just to keep steve happy ! Im selfless like that!

Theres no reason why we cant spend time with good friends (and Steve) and good beer !

Theres my our 2p Andy n Elaine