Sunday, 13 July 2008


No caching today for Team Balders; we've been to Drumfest at the NEC. I've just got back and a quick look at my inbox tells me that 2 teams have done the Brummie Cut series today. I also received an excellent photo of Andy (of andyandelaine) sporting a most magnificent T-shirt.

I had a bit of a chat with "The Strangler" yesterday concerning the Brummie Meet - nothing concrete yet but we're on the case.

Any ideas for a venue?

I've also been out this evening doing a spot of Brummie Cut maintenance.


Andy said...

Iv posted a note on the forum.
My vote is for mon to wed in the Wellington. Thurs n Fri are too busy in town (my opinion) so for the chance to talk not shout is the reason for the days iv picked. The welly is a real ale pub in the city centre( expensive compared to the Anchor digbeth but thats a bit far!) If you dont know or care what real ale is there is also fizzy yellow stuff and fruit based drinks for the ladies!

Team Balders said...

I've just put my X for The Welly on a Tuesday or Wednesday.